#1 Long Distance Mover in Pompano Beach , FL
We offer an unrivaled packing and unpacking service hands down. We will sort, secure, pack and unpack all of your belongings while you deal with other stuff during the moving process. With our 100% professional and stress-free packing and unpacking service, you won’t have to worry or even think about the painstaking and time-consuming process of packing for moving. Our Professional and Experienced team of movers will do that for you. We will organize and pack your stuff so that they arrive intact and in perfect condition to your new destination.

The best part is we can do as little or as much of the work as you want. Needing someone to handle the expert packing of your breakables, we can do that. Do you need a full service move from point A to point B without a scratch?
We can make it happen.
Send us an Email!
Residential Services
- Full-Service Packing
- Quality Packing Materials
- Online Shipment Tracking
- Short & Long Term Storage
- Fine Art / Antique Moving
- Crating for High Value Items
- Vehicle Shipping & Storage
Commercial Services
- Office Moving
- Modular Furniture Installation
- Electronics / Computer Moving
- Furniture / Equipment Storage
- Sculpture / Fine Art Moving
- Lab & Medical Equipment Moving
Pompano Beach, Florida, also known as “ The Heart of the Gold Coast” is seated perfectly between Palm Beach and Miami. Pompano Beach has over 50 parks and places for entertainment and relaxation available all year round, including museums, beaches, amusement parks, and wildlife sites. If these facts alone appeal to you as you search for your new home or if you are looking to live elsewhere, Liberty Moves is here to assist you with your move.
Send us your message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible!